Imaginists as a literary group announced themselves in 1919. The declaration was signed by poets: Vadim Shershenevich, Anatoly Marienhof, Sergei Yesenin, Ryurik Ivnev and painters Georgy Yakulov and Boris Erdman. Imaginists’ theatre activity is understudied. However, poets-imaginists wrote plays, adaptations, translated foreign drama, and after the group’s dissolution its former members continued writing for theatre. Alongside with professional interest in theatre art, the poets, following the spirit of the age, actively theatrised the reality and turned their own public life into an endless performance. Their “everyday epatage” could be now named as a kind of performance or fl ash mob. A city was a theatre stage for imaginists, where they played.
Kew words: imaginism, theatre, action, poet, staging.
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