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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014


O. V. Zakharova
Price: 50 руб.
 The experience of esthetic perception of the natural world in Eastern and Western traditions is considered in the article. Knowledge gained by man about the world and himself is a subject of consideration. The author comes to a conclusion that aesthetic experience helps to add superrational components to rational knowledge of nature and makes perception more complete. This promotes overcoming the consumer’s, utilitarian attitude to nature and opens new approaches to solving environmental problems.
Кey words: еnvironmental problem, aеsthetic perception of nature, аrt. nature.
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3. Grigor’yeva T. P. Eshche raz o Vostoke i Zapade // Inostrannaya literatura. 1975. № 7. S. 60–68.
4. Zakharova O. V. Predely ratsional’nosti v reshenii ekologicheskikh problem // Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filosofia. 2014. № 10. S. 102–109.
5. Kozhukhovskaya N. V. Evolyutsiya chuvstva prirody v russkoy proze XIX v. Syktyvkar, 1995. 146 s.
6. Livraga Kh. A. Vselennaya kak otvet // Simvolizm drevnikh kul’tur. URL: http://www.symbolizm.ru (data obrashcheniya: 12.10.2014).
7. L’yuis K. Lyubov’ // Sayt Svyato-Filaretovskogo pravoslavno-khristianskogo instituta. URL: http:// www.sfiru (data obrashcheniya: 23.09.2014).
8. Platon. Fedra // Sobr. soch.: v 4 t. M.: Mysl’, 1993. T. 2. 528 s.
9. Sudzuki D. T. Osnovy dzen-buddizma. Bishkek: MP «Odissey», 1993. 672 s.
10. Shcherbinin M. N. Sub’yekt i sub’yektivnost’ v fiurativnosti estetiko-antropologicheskogo poiska // Esteticheskaya antropologiya: fiurativnyi aspekt: mat-ly Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (Tyumen’, 13 dekabrya 2013 g.). Tyumen’: Mandr i Ka, 2013. S. 3–10.
Price: 50 рублей
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