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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Symmetry in the ornament of the Itelmens, a nati ve minorit y of Kamchatka

A. I. Rudenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The author of the paper examines symmetry in the ornament of the Itelmens, a native
minority of Kamchatka. This aspect of the Itelmen ornament study represents an
unexplored area in contemporary art criticism. The Itelmen ornament on items of arts
and crafts employs various kinds of symmetry: rosettes, borders, nets. Symmetry in the
Itelmen ornament creates the beauty of the form, provides the ordering and consistency in the compositional structure of patterns and emphasises the national uniqueness of the Itelmen ornamental art.
Key words: Kamchatka, Itelmens, ornament, symmetry, rosettes, borders, nets, national uniqueness, unexplored area.
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2. Gerchuk Yu. Ya. Chto takoe ornament. Struktura i smysl ornamental’nogo obraza. M: Izdatel’skiy dom
«RIP – kholding», 2013. 301 s.
3. Veyl’ G. Simmetriya / pod red. B. A. Rozenfel’da. M.: Nauka, 1968. 192 s.
4. Ivanov S. V. Ornament narodov Sibiri kak istoricheskiy istochnik. M.-L.: AN SSSR, 1963. T. 81. 500 s.
5. Kocheshkov N. V. Etnicheskie traditsii v dekorativnom iskusstve narodov Kraynego Severo-Vostoka
SSSR (XVIII–XX vv). L.: Nauka, 1989. 199 s.
6. Krasheninnikov S. P. Opisanie zemli Kamchatki. S prilozheniem raportov, doneseniy i drugikh
neopublikovannykh materialov. M.-L.: Glavsevmorput’, 1949. 841 s.
7. Shubnikov A. V., Kotsik V. A. Simmetriya v nauke i iskusstve. M: Nauka, 1972. 349 s.
8. Shubnikov A. V., Belov N. V. Colored Symmetry. Pergamon Press, Oxford, London, New York, Paris,
1964. 263 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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