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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Specificit y of the arti sti c structure of a variety-circus performance

O. V. Pyataeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article covers the main comical units of the artistic structure of a variety-circus
performance. The author analyses the nature of humour on stage and at the circus and
dwells on such basic concepts as a comic trick and reprise. Special methods of buffoonery, grotesque, substitution of alogism for logic, combination of realism and phantasmagoria are used in staging a variety-circus act.
Key words: circus, original genre, eccentricity, buffoonery, grotesque.
1. Belyakova G. Karandash // Mir tsirka. Klouny // Entsiklopediya. Pod red. S. Makarova. M., 1995.
2. Viktorov A. S perom u Karandasha. M., 1971.
3. Kozintsev G. O komicheskom, ekstsentricheskom i grotesknom iskusstve. Sobr. soch. v 5-ti t. T. 3. M.,
4. Kuznetsov E. M. Tsirk. M., 1971.
5. Nikulin Yu. S chego nachinaetsya kloun // SETs. 1975. №1.
6. Propp V. Problemy komizma i smekha. M., 1976.
7. Raykin A. Vospominaniya. SPb., 1995.
8. Yurenev R. Mekhanika smeshnogo // Iskusstvo kino, 1964. № 1.
Price: 50 рублей
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