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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Current stat e and trends of worldwide non-ferrous meta ls production

E. Yu. Vyboldina, S. V. Fedoseyev
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses trends in non-ferrous metals production in the last years focusing
on the major players. It is revealed that developing countries’ positions became much
stronger in the last decade, and in the Western world the primary metals production is
decreasing. Although the Western countries’ position is still strong in finished-product
output, China has already taken the leading role in production of several metals. Russia’s position in the international market is also strong, mainly due to export of primary aluminium and nickel. The authors recommend developing more advanced technologies and diversifying Russia’s production with the aim to reach the finished-product market.
Key words: non-ferrous metals, Russia, China, aluminium, copper, primary metal,
finished product.
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Price: 50 рублей
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