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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

An Outstanding Russian Linguist and His Landmark “Syntax of the Russian Language” (Towards the 150th Anniversary of the Academician A. A. Shakhmatov, 1864–1920)

S. G. Ilyenko
Price: 50 руб.
 In the article the work and ethic position of a prominent native linguist A. A. Shakhmatov are analyzed, as well as the significance of his last work “The Russian Language Syntax” for a modern system of the Russian Language.

Russian philology, Russian syntax, A. Shakhmatov’s syntax studies, learning discourse.

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6. Shakhmatov A. A. Sintaksis russkogo yazyka. M.: Uchpedgiz, 1941.
7. Shakhmatov A. A.  1864–1920: sbornik statey i materialov / pod red. akad.
S. I. bnorskogo / Trudy komissii po istorii Akademii nauk SSSR. Vyp. 3. M., L.: Izd-vo
Akademii nauk SSR, 1947.
8. Shvedova N. Yu. K izucheniyu russkoy dialogicheskoy rechi. Repliki-povtory //
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9. Yakubinskiy L. P.  O dialogicheskoy rechi // Izbrannye raboty. Yazyk i ego
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Price: 50 рублей
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