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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Improving Static Analysis by Loop Unrolling on an Arbitrary Iteration

M. A. Belyaev, M. H. Akhin, V. M. Itsykson
Price: 50 руб.
 Program loops have proven to be a matter of great diffi culty for any method of static analysis or veri fi cation, because of the state space explosion and of the well-known halting problem that prevents us from reasoning about loop iteration counts in many
practical cases. In this paper we present an original approach to loop analysis for tools based on logic reasoning, e.g. bounded model checkers. It is based on unrolling loops not only from the beginning, but from the end or from any other loop iteration. Our approach has been implemented in the prototype bounded model checking tool called Borealis. Evaluation results on a number of test programs from NECLA and SV-COMP benchmarks show an over nine-fold increase in performance as well as some increase in analysis quality when using the presented approach.

program analysis, defect detection, loop unrolling, bounded model checking.
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Price: 50 рублей
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