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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

“Narrative prohibition” in linguistic discourse

S. T. Nefedov
Price: 50 руб.
The paper deals with the usage of grammatical forms of German Perfekt and Präteritum in linguistic monographs and articles. Their text frequency works out at 6.42% of the total number of text predications examined in the sample (472 from 7356). 3.44% of the total number of past forms (253 from 472) are used in the narrative function. These data make it possible to justify the limitations of the “narrative prohibition” in linguistic discourse and to explicate pragmatic conditions for the transition from the distanced supertemporal presentation to scientific narration in the form of short narrative inserts or expanded narrative passages. Narrative structures are given in scientific texts not randomly, but are selective in text parts with certain communicative intention and adapted to the purposes of socially important knowledge transfer in scientific communication.
Key words: language of science, language of theoretical linguistics, scientific text,
linguistic discourse, narration in scientific text, narrative functions of German Perfekt
and Präteritum, maxims of scientific communication.
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Price: 50 рублей
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