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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

New language teaching technologies in the Pavlodar region

G. Z. Moldakhmetova
Price: 50 руб.
The author of the article considers new language teaching technologies in the Pavlodar region, the Republic of Kazakhstan. The use of new technologies of language teaching in the region will help to form a comprehensively developed, harmonious and intellectual person, since this kind of education promotes the increase of students’ motivation and cognitive interest, the formation of a coherent scientific world view and deeper understanding of languages.
Key words: language teaching, open education, integrated education, variety of
cultures and languages.
1. Mikheyeva N. F., Moldakhmetova G. Z. Ispol’zovanie proektnoy deyatel’nosti v integrirovannom obuchenii angliyskomu i kazakhskomu yazykam studentov ekonomicheskikh spetsial’nostey // Vestnik RUDN. 2010. № 2. S. 75–82.
2. Moldakhmetova G. Z. Razvitie professional’nogo yazykovogo obrazovaniya neyazykovykh vuzov: monografiya. Pavlodar: Kereku, 2009. 232 s.
3. Moldakhmetova G. Z. Spetsifika otkrytogo obrazovaniya i ego vliyaniya na metodiku obucheniya yazykam // Vyssheye obrazovanie segodnya. 2009. № 10. S. 33–36.
4. Moldakhmetova G. Z. Integrated English and Kazakh education for students of economic majors in the context of open education. PragueDevelopmentCenter, CzechRepublic, 2010. R. 24–25.
5. Moldakhmetova G. Z. Integrated English and Kazakh education for students of economic majors in the context of open education. PragueDevelopmentCenter, CzechRepublic, 2010. R. 33
6. Languages development programme, the epistle of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «New Kazakhstan in new world», 2007.
Price: 50 рублей
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