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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Conceptual grounds for building a model of a high-tech informational and educational school environment

A. O. Kravtsov
Price: 50 руб.
The author of the article examines the key approaches to designing a high-tech
informational and educational school environment in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standards as a resource for obtaining the new quality of education.
Key words: informatisation, informational and educational environment, high-tech
educational environment.
1. Noskova T. N. Kakuyu informatsionno-obrazovatel’nuyu sredu mozhno schitat’ vysokotekhnologichnoy? // Vestnik Gertsenovskogo universiteta. SPb.: RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 2007. № 1(39). S. 46–54.
2. Noskova T. N. Mezhdistsiplinarnye gumanitarnye osnovy postroeniya vysokotekhnologichnoy informatsionnoy obrazovatel’noy sredy // Vestnik Gertsenovskogo universiteta. SPb.: RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 2007. № 6(44). S. 21–29.
3. Patarakin E. D. Sotsial’nye servisy Veb 2.0 v pomoshch’ uchitelyu. M.: Intuit.ru, 2007. 64 s.
4. Yasvin V A. Obrazovatel’naya sreda ot modelirovaniya k proektirovaniyu. M.: Smysl, 2001. 365 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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