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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

The ability of international derivational suffixes to provoke a morphological error in French-Russian language contacts

S. S. Zenger
Price: 50 руб.
An interference error appears in case of interpenetration of two language systems in the conscience of a bilingual. This can occur at all language levels. A number of words with a regularly coincident morphological structure (international root and international suffix) in contacting languages can make bilinguals think that it is a regular analogy. Breach of this analogy in one of the two languages can provoke a morphological interference error. Comparison of exhaustive lists of words, which have one of the international suffixes in their morphological structure, makes it possible to reveal and prevent potential morphological errors. Such a research was done for French and Russian nouns with international derivational affixes. The final results are described in this article.
Key words: international suffix, error, analogy, morphological interference, language
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Price: 50 рублей
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