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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Ideas of St . Petersburg students about success in life (based on the sociological research)

N. V. Klinetskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article discusses the results of the sociological research carried out in several
universities of St. Petersburg. The research was devoted to studying success in life in
representations of St. Petersburg students. The results of the research showed that for
today’s students success in life is a complex concept that includes all aspects of life
and, above all, family, private life, health, wealth, self-realisation. These representations are complemented with ideas about qualities that a young person should possess to achieve success in life, and with the ideals of successful people. In general, the research has shown that success in life is present in minds of St. Petersburg students, and the achievement of success in life depends mainly on a person himself/herself.
Key words: students, success in life, image of life success, importance of success in
life, qualities of a successful person, ideal of a successful person.
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2. Grunt E. V. Problema smysla zhizni v istorii zapadno-evropeyskoy filosofii (ot antichnosti do kontsa XIX veka). Chelyabinsk: ChIPRO, 1996. 315 s.
3. Zobov R. A., Kelas’yev V. N. Zhiznennyi uspekh v sovremennom rossiyskom obshchestve // Vestnik S.-Peterburskogo universiteta. Ser. 12. Vyp. 2. 2013. S. 136–143.
4. Prokhorov M. Mnogoborets. M., 2012. 95 s.
5. Trepakova A. V. Tsennosti amerikanskogo kino. Zhanry, obrazy, idei. M.: KDU, 2007. 112 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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