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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Speech model {So this + [interrog. sent.]!}: general characteristics and components

M. Ya. Dymarskiy
Price: 50 руб.
The work is based on the author’s concept of a three-level system of syntactic models.
The author describes a fragment of the microsystem of Russian identifying utterance
models. The general characteristics of the model {Так вот + [вопр. предл.]!} ({So this +
[interrog. sent.]!}) (Так вот где таилась погибель моя! – So this is where my death was hiding!; Так вот о чем ты думаешь! – So this is what you’re thinking about!) are given, and the components of the model are described.
Key words: three-level system of syntactic models, basic language model, speech
syntactic model, utterance model, identifying utterances.
1. Ardentov B. P. «Chto» v sovremennom russkom yazyke. Kishinev: Shtiintsa, 1973.
2. Dymarskiy M. Ya. Mikrotipologiya vmeshchayushchikh konstruktsiy // Slovo. Slovar’. Slovesnost’: Literaturnyi yazyk vchera i segodnya (k 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya A. I. Gertsena): M-ly Vseros. nauch. konf. (SPb., RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 14–16.11.2012) / otv. red. V. D. Chernyak. SPb.: Media-trend–SAGA, 2012. S. 346–353.
3. Dymarskiy M. Ya. Ot modeley predlozheniya – k modelirovaniyu vyskazyvaniya // Slavyanskoe yazykoznanie. XV Mezhdunarodnyi s’yezd slavistov. Minsk, 2013. Doklady rossiyskoy delegatsii. M.: Indrik, 2013. S. 308–330.
4. Yokoyama O. B. Kognitivnaya model’ diskursa i russkiy poryadok slov. M.: Yazyki slavyanskoy kul’tury, 2005.
Price: 50 рублей
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