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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

Control of movement of culturalva lues as a problem of national security

I. K. Moskvina
Price: 50 руб.
Cultural values are important symbols of national identity embodying cultural and
historical memory. The value meanings of culture uniting people around common
ideals are reflected in them. Loss of cultural values, their withdrawal from national and
world cultural heritage have extremely negative consequences. Protection of cultural
values from various encroachments (vandalism, plunders, illicit trafficking including
smuggling) is the most important problem of national security.
Key words: culture, cultural values, historical memory, national identity, loss, illicit
trafficking, smuggling, protection, national security.
1. Kagan M. S. Filosofskaya teoriya tsennosti. SPb.: OOO «Petropolis», 1997. 205 s.
2. Moskvina I. K. Gosudarstvennyi kontrol’ za peremeshcheniem kul’turnykh tsennostey cherez tamozhennuyu granitsu Tamozhennogo soyuza. SPb.: Izd. Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta tekhnologii i dizayna, 2012. 222 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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