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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

Ministry of Agriculture During the Reign of Emperor Alexander III (1881–1894)

I. I. Voronov
Price: 50 руб.
The article’s focus is on the reorganization of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Empire into the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property. Following the abolition of serfdom, the economic development of Russia demanded reorientation of the Ministry’s focus from managing state property to agriculture. In 1881 the
Ministry of State Property lost its Main Directorate of State Horse-Breeding and was on the brink of dissolution. However, numerous projects proposing abolition of the agency did not meet the Emperor’s approval. As a result, the need to mitigate the aftermath
of the agricultural crisis was instrumental in reorganizing the agency. The establishment in 1881 of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property completed the evolution of the agency, whose main task became management of agriculture.
Keywords: Alexander III, A. A. Liven, N. P. Ignatyev, M. N. Ostrovsky, A. S.Yermolov,
Ministry of Agriculture.
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Price: 50 рублей
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