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"The Scientific Opinion" № 6, 2014

Expert’s Competence And Reputability in Science (Traditions and Trends in the European Academic Science)

V. E. Chernyavskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The issue of determining a status of an expert in science is regarded as a crossover of many debating points: competence and reputability of experts versus professionals, ambivalence of standards and norms in exercising intra-scientifi c and public control over science, system of cognitive and social relationships within the scientifi c elite, between an expert and a professional. The author conducts a comparative analysis,
which overviews modern approaches in Russian and foreign, primarily, German, scientifi c research.
Keywords: scientifi c communication, quality of scientifi c result, scientifi c elite,
scientifi c integrity, expert, expert’s competency, expert’s reputability.
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Price: 50 рублей
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