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"The Scientific Opinion" № 6, 2014

The pipeline operational service development concept at oil and gas enterprises

I. A. Lobach, I. K. Gronskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The paper describes the great influence of the choice of a pipeline operational service
(POS) structure on economic results (total annual costs) for the oil and gas industry. The authors analyse the use of different POS structures at one Novatek subsidiary company and determine the most effective POS structure for this company.
The paper shows the solution of the following main tasks:
1. The activity of collaborating companies is considered.
2. The POS structures of the main company are analysed.
3. The improvement of the POS structure is proposed.
4. The authors carry out a comparative study of several POS structures and substantiate the most effective POS structure.
Key words: production structure, pipeline operational service, pipeline part, comparative study.
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Price: 50 рублей
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