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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Features of risk management at industrial enterprises of building materials

L. A. Lapina
Price: 50 руб.
The article identifies methods and techniques of risk management relevant to industrial enterprises of building materials. The main methods are avoidance of risk through insurance, localisation and dissipation of risks. It is suggested to reduce the risk of disruption of a production programme due to violating the delivery schedule of raw materials or sales disruption due to a customer’s insolvency by monitoring operations and financial condition of partners and diversifying supply and marketing as much as possible. It is proposed to reduce the risk of innovative projects by insurance or obtaining guarantees of third parties. It is possible to isolate risky projects into separate organisational structures or to realise them together with partners. The author suggests using forward or futures contracts in relationships with suppliers and buyers to deal with the risk of sudden fluctuations in market prices.
Key words: risk management methods, risk management techniques, risk management system.
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Price: 50 рублей
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