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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Development of the technology of inhibitory protection against corrosion and scale in equipment for thermal wat ers use in the Pre-Caspian-Guba region of the Azerbaijan republic

S. Sh. Salakhov
Price: 50 руб.
In various regions of the world there are big reserves of thermal waters. Their use causes corrosion of well pipes. An inhibitor is used to protect them. This technology was also applied in the Pre-Caspian-Guba region of the Azerbaijan Republic. In this region thermal waters with a temperature of approximately 86°С at a well mouth and large discharge are widely developed. The waters are sodium chloride with mineralisation about 50 g/l. The research results showed the inhibitor’s efficiency. It was also established that the application of 100–150 mg of the inhibitor per litre can provide 82–96% protection against pipeline corrosion and 100% protection against scale.
Key words: inhibitor, corrosion, compound, content, salt, metal, level, discharge,
temperature, mineralisation.
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2. Muradov T. D., Salakhov S. Sh. Termal’nye vody Yalama-Khachmasskoy kurortnoy zony Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR i podschet ekspluatatsionnykh zapasov. Baku, 1989. 331 s.
3. Tagiev I. I., Ibragimova N. Sh., Babaev A. M. Resursy mineral’nykh i termal’nykh vod Azerbaydzhana. Baku: ‘’ashyoglu, 2001. 168 s.
4. Salahov S. Sh. Geochemical indexes of mineral-thermal water in north-east of Great Caucasus. Azyarbay’anda Eeofizika yeniliklyari. 2004. № 2. Syashch. 50–51.
5. URL: www.bez.az
Price: 50 рублей
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