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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Keeping an assessment activity school register as a means of forming regulative universal skills

O. V. Osipova
Price: 50 руб.
The article states the problem of the contemporary evaluation system and indicates
that it does not correspond to the new Federal State Education Standards. A number of
disadvantages of the present system reveal the possibility of using some other ways of
assessment. The article describes the usage of a new document which is called an assessment activity register. It is aimed to develop regulative universal skills, which is one of the mandatory conditions for the realisation of the new Federal State Education Standards. Five types of registers are considered in the article: a reflective register, note register, rating register, weblog register and parental control register. All types of registers can become a good additional tool for the education process fulfiling a number of important functions.
Key words: Federal State Education Standards, register, evaluation activity, regulative
universal skills, school.
Price: 50 рублей
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