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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Active reading as a factor of prevention of pupils’ agrammatism

O. V. Milovanova
Price: 50 руб.
One of the factors of preventing agrammatism among younger schoolchildren is a formed
need to read fiction actively. The perception of literary text is connected with personality
types of pupils and their ability to work enthusiastically with literary text. This ability
can be developed, if the process of working with a piece of literature is made interesting
and exciting: by means of problematic issues, game situations, organisation of pupils’
creative activity, and involving them into the process of interpretation of fiction.
Key words: need to read fiction actively, perception of literary text, problem, game
situation, creative activity, interpretation of fiction.
1. Asmus V. Voprosy teorii i istorii iskusstva. M., 2000. 423 s.
2. Vygotskiy L. S. Voobrazhenie i tvorchestvo v detskom vozraste. M., 1991. 197 s.
3. Nikiforova O. I. Psikhologiya vospriyatiya khudozhestvennoy literatury. M., 1972. 254 s.
4. Rybnikova M. Ocherki po metodike literaturnogo chteniya. M., 2002. 342 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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