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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Building a pedagogic system in educational organisations of EMERCOM of Russia

E. M. Prokhodimova, A. V. Zuev, M. V. Kunakh
Price: 50 руб.
The education system in cadet organisations (classes, schools, centres, colleges,
universities) of EMERCOM of Russia is characterised as an open, non-equilibrium and, to a large extent, self-organising system. Researchers of education systems consider the normative approach of teachers to the education process organisation as the main mistake in management. This is expressed in disregard of the nature of the education system and its specific identity.
Key words: cadet organisations of EMERCOM of Russia, education system, education
process organisation, backbone element, researchers, regulatory approach.
1. Borytko N. M., Solovtsova I. A. Upravlenie obrazovatel’nymi sistemami. Volgograd, 2006.
2. Kozlov I. F. Pedagogicheskiy opyt A. S. Makarenko: kn. dlya uchitelya / sost. i avt. vstup. st. V. M. Korotov. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1987.
3. Makarenko A. S. Izbrannye pedagogicheskie proizvedeniya / pod obshch. red. E. N. Medynskogo i I. F. Svadkovskogo; sost. I. F. Kozlov. M.: Uchpedgiz; Kuybyshev, 1946.
4. Marks K., Engel’s F. Nemetskaya ideologiya. M.: Politizdat, 1988.
5. Shamova T. I., Davydenko T. M., Shibanova G. N. Upravlenie obrazovatel’nymi sistemami. M.: Izdatel’skiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2008.
Price: 50 рублей
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