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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Social and pedagogical work with rural families

A. B. Zakirova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper covers the problems of rural families. The author reveals peculiarities of rural society, defines and justifies the specificity of social and educational work with families.
Key words: family, rural society, social and pedagogical work.
1. Osnovy sotsial’noy raboty / P. D. Pavlenok, A. A. Akmalova, O. A. Anikeyeva i dr. M.: INFRA-M, 2008. 218 s.
2. Tekhnologii sotsial’noy raboty v razlichnykh sferakh zhiznedeyatel’nosti / pod red. P. D. Pavlenka. M., 2005.
3. Shalginbaeva K. K., Saipova M. A. Etnopedagogicheskoe obespechenie samoorganizatsii sem’i v trudovom vospitanii detey // Chelovek v sisteme obrazovaniya: tendentsii i perspektivy: sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Ufa: RITs BashGU, 2009. Ch. 2. S. 196–203.
4. Yakushev A. V. Sotsial’naya zashchita. Sotsial’naya rabota. M.: A-PRIOR, 2009. 224 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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