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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Process structuring as a motivati on growth factor in organisations

A. A. Dolgaya
Price: 50 руб.
The motivation research results are presented in the article as outcomes of business
process modeling and organisational structuring at the fish processing factory. The
research objective was to clarify the impact of process structuring on the personnel’s
motivation. The author employs the Personnel Satisfaction Index and Motivation
Potential Indicator to assess the motivation dynamics. The investigation confirms the
growth of the satisfaction level and motivation potential after the organisational business process structuring.
Key words: business process management, motivation potential, organisational structuring, labour enrichment.
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2. Dolgaya A. A. Otsenka vliyaniya protsessnogo strukturirovaniya na effektivnost’ organizatsionnogo vzaimodeystviya // Nauchnoe mnenie. 2014. № 6.
3. Hackman J. R., & Oldham G. R. Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory/ Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 1976, 250–279. URL: http://groupbrain.wjh.harvard.edu/jrh/pub/JRH1980_2.pdf
4. Fried Y., & Ferris G. R. The validity of the Job Characteristics Model: A review and meta-analysis//Personnel Psychology, 1987, 40(2), 287–322.
5. Luthans F. Organisational Behavior, Boston: McGraw Hill Irwin, 2002.
Price: 50 рублей
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