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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Piano style of R. Schumann. The romantic dialogue of Florestan and Eusebius

E. L. Aleksandrova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to R. Schumann’s piano texture. The author reveals the sources,
traditional and new aspects of the composer’s style and studies the texture of his piano works, its unique features.
Key words: style, Romanticism, piano, music, harmony, polyphony, texture.
1. Aleksandrova E. L. Faktura kak proyavlenie otnosheniy rel’yefa i fona (na materiale fortepiannoy muzyki avstro-nemetskogo romantizma): dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya. L., 1988. 230 s.
2. Gofman E. T. A. Zhiteyskie vozzreniya kota Murra vkupe s fragmentami biografii kapel’meystera Iogannesa Kreyslera, sluchayno utselevshimi v makulaturnykh listakh. Povesti i rasskazy. M.: Khudozh. Lit., 1967. 774 s.
3. Zhitomirskiy D. V. R. Shuman. Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. M.: Muzyka, 2000. 880 s.
4. Literaturnye manifesty zapadnoevropeyskikh romantikov. M.: Izd-vo LEGU, 1980. 638 s.
5. Mikhaylov A. V. Problema stilya i etapy razvitiya literatury Novogo vremeni // Teoriya literaturnykh stiley: Sovremennye aspekty izucheniya. M.: Nauka, 1982. 343–374 s.
6. Ruch’yevskaya E. F. A. Funktsii muzykal’noy temy. L.: Muzyka, 1977. 160 s.
7. Abert H. Robert Schumann. Berlin: Harmonia, 1903. 111 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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