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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Mass media as a tool for manipulation of consciousness

M. N. Milovzorova
Price: 50 руб.
The article provides an assessment of the activities of the media in the context of
mass mind control. The author describes the consequences of the development of new information technologies, in particular the formation of a person’s steady dependence on information technologies and understating of the human factor’s role in common and administrative decision-making. The author also proves that the uniqueness of human personality as a fundamental value of culture can be lost or reduced to a “mass person” as a convenient norm for manipulation.
Key words: information technology, media audience, mass culture, mass mind control.
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5. Toffler E. Futuroshok / per. s angl. SPb.: Lan’, 1997.
6. Kharris R. Psikhologiya massovykh kommunikatsiy. SPb.: praym-EVROZNAK; M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2003.
7. Shestakov V. P. SShA: psevdokul’tura ili zavtrashniy den’ Yevropy?: riderz daydzhest po amerikanskoy kul’ture. M.: LKI, 2010.
Price: 50 рублей
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