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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Thematic transformation of children’s periodicals (18th–21st centuries)

A. A. Teplitskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The history of origin and development of the children’s press over the four centuries
is considered in the paper. The thematic transformation of children’s magazines is an
interesting topic in the theory and history of journalism. Children’s journalism is considered as an independent branch of the mass media having its own principles and laws. A complex historical analysis makes it possible to penetrate deeper into the specificity of children’s popular-science magazines and to trace the trends of thematic modifications. This opens new opportunities to predict the further development of children’s periodicals.
Key words: history of children’s journalism, children’s magazine, articles in the
children’s press.
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6. Blanchard M. History of the Mass Media in the United States: An Encyclopedia // Reference & User Services Quarterly. volume 38. № 3. 1999.
7. McDowell K. Toward a history of children as readers, 1890–1930 // Book History. volume 12. 2009. 240–265 p.
8. Wesley F. Children’s Magazines Today // The Elementary English Review. volume 20. № 7. 1943. Р. 287–290.
Price: 50 рублей
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