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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Assessment of the intensity of erosion processes in the Hamrin Basin (Iraq) based on the aerospace survey materials

D. A. Subetto, B. H. Al Nuairi
Price: 50 руб.
Mapping of surfaces and slopes subjected to erosion helps to classify them according to
likelihood or risk into zones where erosion processes occur with different intensity to
form morphologically different forms of erosion relief. These maps are a basis for land
use planning aimed at preserving soil resources. The article shows a map at a scale of
1:250000 with zones of sheet, rill and gully erosion advancing.
Key words: erosion, gully erosion, mapping, Hamrin Basin, Iraq.
1. Spiridonov A. I. Geomorfologicheskoe kartografirovanie. M.: Nedra, 1975. 184 s.
2. Bassi M. A. Geology of Injana, Hemrin south, M.S.C. thesis, college of Sciences Baghdad University, Unpublished, 1993. 178 p.
3. Van Zuidam R. A., Van Zuidam-Cancelado F. I. Terrain analysis and classification using aerial photographs, a geomorphologic approach. ITC textbook of photo-interpretation. Vol. 7. ITC, Enscheda (The Netherlands), 1979. 339 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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