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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Pedagogical conditions for forming cadets’ professional orientation at educational institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia

Е. M. Prokhodimova, A. V. Zuev
Price: 50 руб.
Cadets of educational organisations of the EMERCOM of Russia lack orientation to
professional activity nowadays. This negatively affects the quality of the educational
process at universities of the EMERCOM of Russia. Most likely, the reason is that not
all cadets wish to carry out their professional activities in future. The authors of the paper reveal that the main indicators of cadets’ orientation on professional activity are: general assessment of the desire to carry out professional activity, estimation of the interest in professional activity, self-assessment of cadets’ abilities to become a professional in the future profession, the desire to become an excellent specialist.
Key words: career guidance, educational organisations of the EMERCOM of Russia,
career, cadets, professionals, public inspectors for small vessels, pedagogical conditions.
1. Prokhodimova E. M. Pedagogicheskie osobennosti professional’nogo razvitiya lichnosti kursantov i slushateley v usloviyakh vuza GPS MChS Rossii: dis. ... kandidata ped. nauk. SPb., 2007.
2. Uzun L. S. Taktika vyzhivaniya voennosluzhashchikh i sotrudnikov MVD v ekstremal’nykh situatsiyakh: monografiya. SPb.: SPbU MVD Rossii, 1998.
Price: 50 рублей
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