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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Linguistic and didactic preconditions for forming of creative capacities in second foreign language reading

A. О. Ovsyannikov
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to optimisation of reading in a second foreign language at senior
specialised schools and liberal arts universities. The author believes that the optimisation has to rely on the didactic grounds of the active pedagogical process and, on the other hand, it should involve reserve capacities of a reader.
Key words: linguistic and didactic preconditions, pedagogical approach, second
foreign language reading, compensatory competence, first foreign language, second
foreign language, methodology.
1. Andreyev V. I. Pedagogika tvorcheskogo samorazvitiya. Kazan’: izd-vo Kazanskogo un-ta, 1996. 568 s.
2. Bryakova I. E. Formirovanie kreativnoy kompetentnosti studentov-filologov pedagogicheskogo vuza: monografiya. Orenburg: izd-vo OGPU, 2010. 310 s.
3. Kudryavtseva M. E. Uchitel’ kak sub’yekt tvorchestva: monografiya. SPb.: NOU «Ekspress», 2006. 192 s.
4. Meshcheryakova L. V. Razvitie tvorcheskogo potentsiala uchiteley v protsesse osvoeniya pedagogicheskikh innovatsiy: ADD. Chelyabinsk, 1998. 35 s.
5. Ryndak V. G. Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie i razvitie tvorcheskogo potentsiala uchitelya (teoriya vzaimodeystviya): monografiya. M.: «Pedagogicheskiy vestnik», 1997. 244 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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