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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

“Friends or foes” opposition in Polish and Chinese toponymic idioms

O. N. Zubkova
Price: 50 руб.
The main peculiarities of the opposition “friends or foes” in Polish and Chinese
toponymic idioms are described in the paper. Carrying out a comparative analysis, the
author reveals the main common and distinctive aspects of the opposition verbalisation in Polish and Chinese phraseology.
Key words: phraseology, onomastics, ethnonym, “friends or foes”.
1. Sandomirskaya I. Idioma i kul’tura: v poiskakh obshchego osnovaniya // Etnolingwistyka. Lublin, 1996. S. 9–23.
2. Adalberg S. Księga przysłów, przypowieści i wyrażeń przysłowiowych polskich. Warszawa: 1888-1894. – 805s.
Price: 50 рублей
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