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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

The role of coordinating structures in the violin performing technique

A. V. Gvozdev
Price: 50 руб.
The article examines a complex of coordinating relationships in violin playing. The role
and functions of the coordinating mechanism in performing are under study, as well as
the meaning of integrity at different levels of the violin technique. The detailed analysis
of different types of coordination is given, namely: muscular and articular sensations of
a performer, techniques of the right and left hands of a violinist, relations of the artistic
sphere and technical means of expression in music interpretation.
Key words: complex of coordination relationships, role and functions of coordination,
integration feature, muscular and articular coordination, coordination of a violinist’s
hands during a performance, coordination of the artistic sphere and a performing
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Price: 50 рублей
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