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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 6, 2013 г.

Specifi cs of the Сomposer’s Сreative Process in Constructing a Prototype in the Synthesis of Music as Text

S. Y. Lysenko
Price: 50 руб.
A piece of music intended for a theater production is interpreted in this article as a form of artistic synthesis. The problem of artistic synthesis in the genre of musical theater is analyzed from the perspective of a composer’s psychology of creativity, the ability to synthesize scenic images of opera or ballet in the music score, which can later
work as relevant clues for the scenic interpretation and directing. An artistic “union of senses”, i.e. synesthesia, is for the fi rst time recognized as the main prerequisite for creating a prototype in the synthesis of music as text. The main challenge in composing music for the repertoire of a musical theater is the composer’s capability to
envision the polymodal complex of the possible manifestations of his/her non-verbal ideas in the form of sight, sound, scenic and plastic interpretations, and the ability to translate the non-verbal into the music score of theater music.
Keywords: theater music, artistic synthesis as text, psychology of creativity in music, prototype, synesthetic approach.
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Price: 50 рублей
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