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"University Research Journal" № 5, 2013 г.

InterVal-3D Program for Gas Dynamic Quantities Transfer between 3D Arbitrary Computational Grids

N. V. Chukhmanov, V. I. Tarasov, I. V. Syrova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper deals with the problem of data transfer from one arbitrary 3D computational grid to another using InterVal-3D program for the global remapping of the grid values of quantities. This problem arises not only with the use of several mathematical techniques for the numerical simulation of a problem, but also within one technique, if the computational grid modifi cation is required for further simulations. The paper describes the fundamental remapping principles of InterVal-3D, algorithms and methods used to provide the required accuracy of remapping. The user’s interface
and functional capabilities of the program that allow taking into account the specifi c features of various techniques are presented. The program can be operated either on a personal computer, or a distributed-memory multiprocessor. Its implementation in practice is shown by the example of several problems with spatial computational grids of different types.
Keywords: global remapping of grid quantities, Inter-Val-3D program, Integrated File Profi le (IFP), numerical simulation of physical processes, computational spatial
grids, conservation laws, TEAK experiment
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Price: 50 рублей
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