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"University Research Journal" № 5, 2013 г.

Software and Hardware for the Real Time Simulation of Electromagnetic Processes in a 25 kV AC Electric Railway

A. N. Savos’kin, D. I. Boldin, M. V. Telegin, I. I. Garbuzov
Price: 50 руб.
This article focuses on the development of software and hardware for real time simulation of electromagnetic processes in AC railway electrifi cation system with two operating electric locomotives. The aim is to update existing auto control algorithms of electric locomotives and create new ones. 
Keywords: Real-time, RT-lab platform, railway electrifi cation power system,
AC electric locomotive, extensive instrumentation system PXI, NI Compact
RIO programmable automation controller, automatic control system
1. Savos’kin A. N., Kulinich, Y. M., Alekseev A. S. Math.modeling of electromagnetic processes in the dynamic system caternary — electric locomotive. — M.: Electricity, 2002, № 2, p. 29-35.
2. Savos’kin A. N., Chuchin A. A., Boldin D. I., Telegin M. V. Research of electromagnetic
processes in a 25 kV AC electric railway on the base of software and hardware real time complex // VElNII reporter. — 2011. №61. — С. 23–38. 
Price: 50 рублей
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