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"University Research Journal" № 5, 2013 г.

Guignol and «UBU ROI» (Alfred Jarry’s Puppet Show)

T. I. Kuzovchikova
Price: 50 руб.
In 1901, fi ve years after the milestone opening performance of «Ubu Roi» at the Paris Théâtre de l’OEuvre, which has opened the way for the new theatre age, Alfred Jarry turns to guignol and produces the puppet show version of his play. The show, which has merged cabaret esthetics, traditional principles of a puppet show and the new drama, signifi ed a new step in the reform of theatre culture code that fi rst came
into existence in France at the turn of 20th century.
Key words: Alfred Jarry, Ubu Roi, guignol, cabaret.
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7. Jarry A. Ubu sur la Butte // Jarry A. Ubu roi, Ubu cocu, Ubu enchaîné, Ubu sur
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8. Lecucq A. Polichinelle // Encyclopédie mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette.
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9. Plassard D. L’acteur en effi gie: (Figures de l’homme artifi ciel dans le théâtre
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Price: 50 рублей
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