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"University Research Journal" № 5, 2013 г.

Specifi cs of Globalization of the Latin American Media (a Сase of Uruguay )

I. V. Grigoriev
Price: 50 руб.
The artiсle, for the first time ever in domestic journalism, describes the typologically relevant features of the transformation of printed media in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay in the beginning of the 21st century that occurred soon after Tabaré Ramón Vázquez Rosas, a center-left popular front politician, won the presidential election. His victory put an end to the aftermath of the dictatorial regime of 1973-1985. The article also focuses on the high prevalence of printed media in Uruguay, which is the highest in South America, as well as its typologically relevant effects upon the cultural, political, and social development of the country.
Key words: Uruguay, mass media concentration, printed media, media community, information policy.
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Price: 50 рублей
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