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"University Research Journal" № 5, 2013 г.

Diversifi cation of the Russian Economy

E. Bunin
Price: 50 руб.
Oil and gas account for a large and ever increasing share of Russian exports, currently making up around two-thirds of total exports. As a result, a large chunk of Russia’s capital and labor is concentrated in the natural resources sector and its service sectors, which makes diversifi cation a particularly challenging task, since the competencies and technological inputs required in noncommodity exports areas are likely to be fundamentally different from those used in Russia’s current exports. At the subnational level, diversifi cation of the economy as a whole may be achieved
by taking advantage of the regional diversity and distribution of resources and labor among the regions which specialize in different areas.
Key words: тatural resources, export, diversifi cation, Russia’s “commodity space”, competitiveness.
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Р. 68–76.
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Price: 50 рублей
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