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"University Research Journal" № 5, 2013 г.

The Role of the Leading Western European Choreographers of the 18th Century in the Formation and Development of Russian Ballet (F. Hilverding and G. Angiolini)

T. S. Bainova
Price: 50 руб.
F. Hilverding and G. Angiolini, the celebrated pioneers and choreographers
of the 18th century ballet, were directing the Russian St.Petersburg ballet company for about 20 years. As a result of their work over a number of years, Russian ballet had been transformed from an ornamental addition to opera into a self-sustained form of
art and rose to an equal level with the other performing arts. Both choreographers sought to bring dance, music and drama together, thus developing a ballet d’action.
Ballet productions by F. Hilverding and G. Angiolini became an inseparable part of the Russian ballet-dancers education. The culture of dancing advanced to a high level. Russian-born performers were gradually replacing foreign dancers, often surpassing them in the mastery of ballet. F. Hilverding and G. Angiolini should also be
credited for shaping the Russian national ballet repertoire.
Key words: the fi rst Imperial Court company, creation of the dance school, F. Araja’s company, the reformers of the 18th century ballet theatre, F. Hilverding’s activities, G. Angiolini’s activities.
1. Gozenpud A. A. Muzykal’nyi teatr v Rossii. L.: Muzgiz, 1959. 784 s.
2. Krasovskaya V. M. Istoriya russkogo baleta. L.: Iskusstvo, 1978. 230 s.
3. Krasovskaya V. M. Zapadnoevropeyskiy baletnyi teatr. Ocherki istorii. Ot istokov
do serediny XVIII veka. L.: Iskusstvo, 1979. 296 s.
4. Krasovskaya V. M. Zapadnoevropeyskiy baletnyi teatr. Ocherki istorii. Epokha
Noverra. L.: Iskusstvo, 1981. 285 s.
5. Krasovskaya V. M. Nover (Noverre) Zhan Zhorzh. Balet: entsiklopediya / pod
red. Yu. N. Grigorovicha. M.: Sov. entsiklopediya, 1981. 623 s.
6. Maynietse V. A. Khil’ferding (Hilverding) Frants Anton Kristof. Balet: entsiklopediya
/ pod red. Yu. N. Grigorovicha. M.: Sov. Entsiklopediya, 1981. 623 s.
7. Materialy po istorii russkogo baleta / sost. M. V. Borisoglebskiy T. I, II. Proshloe
baletnogo otdeleniya Peterburgskogo teatral’nogo uchilishcha. L.: izd. Leningradskogo
khoreograf. uchilishcha, 1938–1939. 380 s.; 356 s.
8. Mordison G. Z. Istoriya teatral’nogo dela v Rossii. Osnovanie i razvitie gosudarstvennogo teatra v Rossii (XVI–XVIII veka). SPb., 1994. Ch. 1. 226 s.
9. Pakhomova A. V. Frants Khil’ferding i ego rabota v Rossii. URL: http://www.
muzcentrum.ru/news/2011/11/item5570.html [data obrashcheniya 17.11.2013]
10. Sollertinskiy I. I. Pis’ma o tantse i balete (per. s frants.), v knige: Klassiki khoreografi
i. L.-M., 1937. S. 17–77.
11. Shtelin Ya. Muzyka i balet v Rossii XVIII veka // Muzykal’noe nasledstvo.
Vyp. 1. M., 1935. S. 49–143.
Price: 50 рублей
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