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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Functional peculiarities of the «repentance» frame representation in the Russian and English languages

E. V. Platonova
Price: 50 руб.
Repentance as a type of communicative interaction is of particular interest in terms of
identifying the discourse as a manifestation of the interaction of various internal and
external factors. The paper defines the structure of the repentance discourse, participants of the discourse and their position in the dialogue. The author reveals the concept and content of the interaction types of communicants in the repentance discourse, based on the examples of the repentance interaction in the Russian and English languages.
Key words: discourse, discourse structure, speech act, communicants, illocutionary
function, frame-type interaction, verbal strategy.
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13. Garland Alex. The Beach. N.Y.: Riverhead Trade, 1998. 448 p.
14. Hubert Selby. Requiem for a Dream. N.Y.: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2000. 288 p.
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Price: 50 рублей
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