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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

An Extensible Framework for Automated Hardware Reengineering of Complex Systems-on-Chip

O. V. Nenashev
Price: 50 руб.
This paper presents a new approach to hardware reengineering automation based on a programmable and extendable framework with an internal language-independent device model. This approach allows solving some specifi c reengineering cases which cannot be covered by existing approaches. We also propose a new hybrid mode combining multiple description layers. This model can be applied to complex architecture analysis and transformation purposes. In addition to this approach we describe a framework prototype called “PHRT” aiming at reengineering of single-chip digital devices. PHRT implements the proposed hybrid model and supports multiple formats (VHDL, Verilog, EDIF, etc.). PHRT can be integrated with existing development tools from thirdparty vendors. Several Russian companies successfully use this prototype for testing instrumentation and reliability assurance. Our further work deals with the extension of this hybrid model and its application to specifi c analysis and
transformation cases.
Keywords: hardware reengineering, electronic design automation, hybrid
device model, test instrumentation, PHRT
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Price: 50 рублей
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