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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Use of electronic educational resources as a means of formation of conscious knowledge

B. B. Molotkova
Price: 50 руб.
The article deals with the issue of effective use of e-learning resources in the study of
trigonometry at comprehensive school. The author proves the efficiency of using new
pedagogical tools involved in e-learning resources.
Key words: electronic educational resources, trigonometry, awareness of knowledge,
quality of knowledge, mathematics learning.
1. Kachestvo znaniy uchashchikhsya i puti ego sovershenstvovaniya / pod red. M. N. Skatkina, V. V. Kraevskogo. M.: Pedagogika, 1978. 208 s.
2. Lerner I. Ya. Kachestva znaniy uchashchikhsya. Kakimi oni dolzhny byt’? M.: Znanie, 1978. 47 s.
3. Osin A. V. Otkrytye obrazovatel’nye modul’nye mul’timedia sistemy. M., 2010. 328 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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