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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

The procedure for examination of material evidence by notaries

A. V. Begichev
Price: 50 руб.
The author examines the current issues of examination of material evidence by notaries.
Special attention is paid to the inspection of evidence; all the problems arising in drawing
up a protocol of evidence inspection are disclosed step by step. Based on this study, the
author proposes independent conclusions on securing of evidence by notaries.
Key words: notary, material evidence, examination of evidence, notary procedure.
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2. Rogacheva L. I. Vzaimodeystvie gosudarstva i obshchestva v usloviyakh yevraziyskoy integratsii // Yevraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal. 2013. № 2.
3. Shurukhnov N. G. Kriminalistika: opredeleniya, skhemy, tablitsy, diagrammy, rekomendatsii: ucheb. posob. dlya studentov yurid. vuzov. M.: Eksmo, 2010.
Price: 50 рублей
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