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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

Simulation of Nuclear Power Plant with Heavy Liquid Metal-Cooled Reactor in SimInTech Software

I. A. Parshikov, V. N. Petukhov, K. A. Timofeev, A. M. Shchekaturov
Price: 50 руб.
Modern analysis of NPP safety requires codes for analysing processes of different
nature running within the reactor plant: neutronic, thermohydraulic, processes in
control systems and some others. To account for the interaction of processes at each other requires the development of a unifi ed mathematical model of the reactor system with mutual synchronization of individual parts in time and calculated data. The effi ciency of modeling is increased with use the modern simulation tools.
Complex model of dynamics of a nuclear power plant with heavy liquid metalcooled
reactor developed and tested in SimInTech software It is proved that the complex model allows the engineer (or designer) to verify technical decisions made during design development. When using SimInTech, the user is enabled to generate a mathematical model of any complicity and composition, a simple and visualized tool for its adjustment and also a convenient graphical interface for working with calculation data.
Keywords: complex model of the dynamics, simulation, SimInTech, Heavy Liquid Metal-Cooled Reactor
Price: 50 рублей
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