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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

Forma tion of profess ional comp etence of future document sp ecialists (the speciality 032001) by means of the comp uter prac tica l course “Electronic adm inistrative document work”

V. V. Persianov
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the formation of professional competence of students (the
specialty 032001 “Documentation management and administrative support”) by means
of the computer practical course “Electronic administrative document work”. The author
provides the description of the practical course, the method of calculating competence
and competencies, and the results of testing. The author also shows the efficiency of the practical course in mastering professional systems of electronic document work.
Key words: electronic document work, competence, computer practical course,
didactic unit, training model, level of mastering.
1. Borodachev S. A., Persianov V. V. Osobennosti pedagogicheskoy kommunikatsii v usloviyakh razvitiya telekommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy // Informatsionnye tekhnologii modelirovaniya i upravleniya. 2007. № 2(36). S. 171–176.
2. Buylov O. CourseLab: Otechestvennyi redaktor elektronnykh kursov. URL: http://www.softkey.info/reviews/review12793.php (data obrashcheniya 11.03.2013).
3. Morozova A. V. Metodologicheskie osnovy formirovaniya modeli kvalimetricheskogo otsenivaniya kompetentsiy spetsialista dlya mashinostroitel’nogo proizvodstva // Fundamental’nye i prikladnye problemy tekhniki i tekhnologii. 2012. № 1(291). S. 69–81.
4. Persianov V. V. Elektronnoe administrativnoe deloproizvodstvo: Laboratornyi praktikum / V. V. Persianov, E. V. Kutepova. Tula: Izd-vo Tul. gos. ped. un-ta im. L. N. Tolstogo, 2012. 91 s.
5. Persianov V. V., Logvinova E. I., Skoryatin S. V. Professional’noe elektronnoe deloproizvodstvo: Elektronnyi obrazovatel’nyi resurs / Registratsiya OFERNiO № 643, 22.04.2011. URL: http://www.tsput.ru (data obrashcheniya 11.03.2013).
6. Standart SCORM i ego primenenie: Spravochnoe posobie. URL: http://www.adlnet.gov/scorm/index. aspx (data obrashcheniya: 16.08.2011).
Price: 50 рублей
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