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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

The role of situations of uncertainty in the developm ent of a teac her’s research position

Е. Е. Krieger
Price: 50 руб.
The article shows the role of uncertainty situations as a means of the development of a
teacher’s research position. The research position is a professionally important feature
of a teacher’s personality, which arises from the situation of uncertainty in his/her professional activity.
Key words: uncertainty, situation of uncertainty, situations of uncertainty in professional
pedagogical activity, teacher’s research position.
1. Belinskaya E. P. Konstruirovanie identifikatsionnykh struktur lichnosti v situatsii neopredelennosti. Transformatsiya identifikatsionnykh struktur v sovremennoy Rossii. M.: Mosk. obshchestv. nauch. fond, 2001. S. 30–53.
2. Kriger E. E. Tipy situatsiy neopredelennosti v professional’noy deyatel’nosti pedagoga // Vestnik Tomskogo gos. ped. un-ta (Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin). 2013. Vyp. 12. S. 53–61.
3. Lukovitskaya E. G. Fenomen neopredelennosti v psikhologii // Tezisy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Psikhologiya: itogi i perspektivy». 1996. S. 32–33.
Price: 50 рублей
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