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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

Problems of teac hers in online comm unity interac tion

S. V. Gaisina
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the subjective and objective problems of technical, technological and psychological nature that teachers face in the interaction within an online community. The listed problems are systematised and grouped provisionally. The space of problems can be used to monitor the dynamics of professional competence of teachers taking advanced training courses.
Key words: online communities, teachers, problems, interaction.
1. Kagan M. S. Chelovecheskaya deyatel’nost’ (Opyt sistemnogo analiza). M.: Politizdat, 1974. 331 s.
2. Kuli Ch. Kh. Chelovecheskaya priroda i sotsial’nyi poryadok. M.: Ideya–Press, 2000. 312 s.
3. Kurbatov V. I. Konfliktologiya. Rostov n/D.: Feniks, 2009. 445 s.
4. Panfilova A. P. Teoriya i praktika obshcheniya. M.: Akademiya, 2009. 288 s.
5. Khabermas Yu. Moral’noe soznanie i kommunikativnoe deystvie. SPb.: Nauka, 2001. 382 s.
6. Khaken G. Informatsiya i samoorganizatsiya. Makroskopicheskiy podkhod k slozhnym sistemam / per. s angl. M.: Mir,1991. 240 s.: il.
7. Chebotareva N. D. Internet-forum kak virtual’nyi analog psikhodinamicheskoy gruppy [Elektronnyi resurs] // Poznay sebya i okruzhayushchikh. URL: http://www.follow.ru.
Price: 50 рублей
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