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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

Linguocultural app roac h to the content of teac hing Russ ian to Chinese philology students (case of idioms including names of clothes)

Wang Dan
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to idiomatic units containing names of clothes in Russian and
Chinese, with a view to their inclusion in the content of teaching Russian to Chinese
philology students. Collected in dictionaries of proverbs, sayings and phraseologisms,
idiomatic expressions of various kinds convey different functions of clothes: utilitarian,
social, value-related, symbolic. In the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language it is necessary to remember that in spite of the coincidence of the basic functions, the role of clothes and attitude to them do not always coincide in Russian and Chinese cultures, which reflects the unique culture and mentality of the peoples.
Key words: linguocultural approach, content of teaching, culturally marked vocabulary,
idiomatic units, names of clothes.
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Price: 50 рублей
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