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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

St. Petersburg and the Nordic countries. Cultural dialogue in the beginning of the 21st century

N. O. Gontar
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the development of cultural cooperation between St. Petersburg and the countries of Northern Europe in the beginning of the 21st century. The author reveales original directions and forms of the dialogue and a special role of cultural centres in the modern collaboration. Special attention is paid to the Nordic Weeks, an original event that was held in St. Petersburg in 2013 for the third time.
Key words: cultural interaction of St. Petersburg and the Nordic countries, regional
cultural contacts, Nordic Weeks in St. Petersburg.
1. Bogolyubova N. M., Nikolaeva Yu. V. Institualizatsiya mezhdunarodnogo kul’turnogo sotrudnichestva. Istoricheskie predposylki i osobennosti sovremennogo perioda // Privolzhskiy nauchnyi vestnik. 2012. № 11. S. 91–94.
2. Bogolyubova N. M., Nikolaeva Yu. V. Kul’turnye sezony kak forma vneshney kul’turnoy politiki (na primere Rossii i Frantsii) // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul’tury i iskusstv. 2011. № 2.
3. Vse flagi v gosti. Komitet po kul’ture SPb., Tsentral’naya gorodskaya publichnaya biblioteka im. V. V. Mayakovskogo. 2013. 4 oktyabrya.
4. Dni Yevropy v Sankt-Peterburge. 20–21 sentyabrya Sankt-Peterburg 2013.VI mezhdunarodnyi festival’. URL: http://eur.ru/spb/fotogalereya/fudkort/
5. Informatsionnoe byuro Soveta Ministrov Severnykh stran v Sankt-Peterburge. URL: http://www.norden.spb.ru/ru
6. Nedelya Severnykh stran – vpervye v Vyborge // Vyborgskie vedomosti. № 75/04.10.2013.
7. Nedelya Severnykh stran proydet v Pskove. Pskovskaya lenta novostey. 2012. 17 oktyabrya.
8. Sankt-Peterburgskiy kinematograficheskiy kinofestival’. URL: http://festival-spb.ru/
9. Traditsionnye Nedeli Severnykh stran. Pravitel’stvo Sankt-Peterburga. Komitet po vneshnim svyazyam SPb. URL: http://www.kvs.spb.ru/anonsi2/2897
Price: 50 рублей
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