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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

Technique of the positional principle of the free-bass acc ordion training in the modern system of voca tional music educa tion

S. A. Algin
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the experimental research on the technique of the positional
principle of the free-bass accordion training in the system of vocational music education, including the initial, middle and higher stages. The author shows the problems and methods of the research, its basic stages, criteria of estimation of examinees, results of the diagnostics in the control and experimental groups before and after the experiment. The efficiency of the tested technique is revealed.
Key words: technique of the positional principle of training, experimental research,
development of the performing technique of a free-bass accordion player, B-griff freebass system, Kravtsov free-bass keyboard.
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3. Korto A. Ratsional’nye printsipy fortepiannoy tekhniki. M.: Muzyka, 1966. 108 s.
4. Kravtsov N. A. Tablitsy applikatur gamm, akkordov i arpedzhio dlya gotovo-vybornogo akkordeona: ucheb. posobie / M-vo kul’tury RF, S.-Peterb. gos. un-t kul’tury i iskusstv, Fak. iskusstv, Kaf. nar. instrumentov; N. A. Kravtsov; notograf. raboty S. Al’gina. SPb.: Izd-vo: SPbGUKI, 2012. 148 s.
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Price: 50 рублей
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